Joseph D. Birch, PhD

I am a research associate with the Miesel Fire and Ecosystem Ecology lab at Michigan State University, East Lansing.  I currently study the post-wildfire recovery and carbon dynamics of mixed-conifer forests in California, USA. My research interests include exploring the intersections of above- and below-ground ecosystem ecology of western conifer forests. In particular, I have a deep passion and interest in belowground fungal ecology, dendroecology, and old-growth forests. 

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ORCID: 0000-0001-8644-7345 

Research Associate: Michigan State University

PhD, Forest Biology and Management, University of Alberta (2021)

BSc, Conservation and Restoration Ecology, Utah State University (2016)

Current and future projects 

Post-fire mixed-conifer forest ecology

My post-fire research in California uses the globally unique Fire Behavior Assessment Team (FBAT) network of plots to address how wildfire behavior influences forest resilience. 

Post-fire belowground ecology

How do belowground fungal communities respond to wildfire? I aim to find out!

Old-growth fungal ecology

My ongoing research involves disentangling how belowground fungi interact and change with trees through time.


I am passionate about utilizing any aspects of dendroecology to address above- and below-ground forest processes through time. 

